



PPC Marketing can be a profitable marketing channel for your law firm. Learn proven strategies to attract more clients and increase revenue.
May 28, 2024

Written by Benji Albrecht

Benji Albrecht spent the last 4 years as a Firm Administrator and Marketing Director helping a boutique tax and estate planning firm triple its revenue and increase client satisfaction. He now works as a consultant helping law firms build a marketing engine to generate a continuous stream of new clients. He is on a mission to help 10 law firms double their revenue. In his free time, Benji is an avid cyclist and Ironman triathlete.

As a law firm owner, finding ways to sign new clients is part of the job. But with so much competition out there, it can feel like an uphill battle. That’s where PPC marketing for lawyers comes in.

Choosing the right keywords and putting together engaging ads will grab the attention of folks in need of legal advice exactly when they’re searching for it. And the best part? You only pay when someone actually clicks on your ad.

I’ve seen firsthand how PPC marketing for lawyers can transform a struggling law firm into a thriving practice. It’s not just about getting more traffic to your website – it’s about getting the right traffic. The kind of traffic that converts into paying clients.

What Is PPC Marketing for Lawyers?

PPC marketing for lawyers (pay-per-click) is a model where law firms pay a fee each time someone clicks on one of their ads. It’s a way to buy visits to your site, rather than attempting to “earn” those visits organically through SEO.

As a digital marketing specialist who has successfully used PPC marketing for lawyers to grow my clients’ practices, I can attest to its effectiveness. When done right, PPC can help you reach potential clients at the exact moment they’re searching for legal services online.

How Does PPC for Lawyers Work?

Here’s a quick rundown of how PPC marketing for lawyers works:

  1. You choose relevant keywords related to your practice areas and create ads that target those keywords.
  2. When someone searches for one of your targeted keywords on Google (or another search engine), your ad campaign has the chance to appear at the top of the search engine results.
  3. If the searcher clicks on your ad, they’re taken to a landing page on your website, and you pay the search engine a small fee for that click.

The beauty of PPC is that you only pay when someone actually clicks on your ad campaign. Unlike traditional advertising methods, there’s no wasted spend on people who aren’t interested in your services.

Benefits of PPC Advertising for Lawyers

PPC offers several key benefits for law firms looking to attract more clients:

  • Highly targeted: You can target your ads to people searching for specific legal services in specific geographic areas.
  • Measurable results: PPC provides detailed analytics so you can track your ROI and make data-driven decisions.
  • Quick results: Unlike SEO, which can take months to start generating leads, PPC can start driving traffic and leads almost immediately.
  • Control over budget: You set your own budget and can adjust it at any time based on performance.

Common PPC Terms to Know

To effectively use PPC for your law firm, it’s important to understand some common terminology:

  • Keywords: The words or phrases you target with your ads, based on what potential clients are searching for.
  • CPC (cost-per-click): The amount you pay each time someone clicks on your ad campaign.
  • Conversion: When a visitor takes a desired action on your site, like filling out a contact form or calling your office.
  • Landing page: The page on your site that visitors are taken to after clicking your ad. This page should be optimized to convert visitors into leads.

By understanding these key PPC concepts, you’ll be better equipped to create effective campaigns that drive real results for your law firm.

Developing a Winning PPC Strategy for Your Law Firm

PPC marketing for lawyers advertising can be incredibly effective for law firms, but it’s not as simple as just throwing up some ads and hoping for the best. To get the most out of your PPC efforts, you need a well-planned strategy.

I’ve managed countless PPC campaigns for law firms over the years, and I’ve learned that the key to success is taking a systematic approach. Here are the essential steps to developing a winning PPC strategy for your firm:

Setting Clear Goals for Your PPC Campaign

Before you even think about creating ads, you need to define what you want to achieve with your PPC campaign. Are you looking to generate more phone calls? Drive traffic to a specific landing page? Increase brand awareness?

Your goals will shape every other aspect of your campaign, from the keywords you target to the copy you write. Be as specific as possible, and make sure your goals are measurable so you can track your progress.

Defining Your Target Audience

Who are you trying to reach with your PPC ads? The more clearly you can define your target audience, the more effective your campaigns will be.

Consider factors like location, age, income level, and the specific legal issues they’re likely to be facing. Use this information to create detailed buyer personas that will guide your keyword research and ad targeting.

Allocating an Appropriate Advertising Budget

The amount you should spend will depend on factors like your practice area, target keywords, and competition level. As a general rule, plan to spend at least a few thousand dollars per month to see meaningful results.

Choosing the Right PPC Platform

Google Ads is the most popular platform for PPC for lawyers, but it’s not the only option. Bing Ads and social media platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn also offer PPC advertising, but be advised, Google Ads provides an opportunity to target the 3% of the market that’s ready to buy now. Most legal marketing efforts start with Google Ads.

Consider your target audience and goals when choosing a platform. For example, if you’re targeting businesses, LinkedIn Ads or even posts on your personal account could be a good choice. If you want to reach a wider consumer audience, Google Ads is usually the way to go.ppc marketing for lawyers

Conducting Effective Keyword Research for Your Law Firm’s PPC Campaign

As a law firm, your goal is to find keywords that strike the right balance between search volume (how many people are searching for them) and intent (how likely those searchers are to need your services). Here’s how to conduct effective keyword research for your PPC campaigns:

Understanding User Search Intent

Not all keywords are created equal. Some keywords indicate that the searcher is just looking for information, while others suggest they’re ready to hire an attorney.

For example, someone searching for “what is personal injury law” is probably just looking to learn more about the topic, whereas someone searching for “personal injury lawyer near me” is likely ready to contact a law firm.

For PPC marketing for lawyers, focus your keyword research on terms that show commercial intent – that is, keywords that indicate the searcher is considering hiring a lawyer.

Identifying High-Value Keywords

In addition to search intent, you’ll also want to consider the potential value of each keyword. Some keywords are more likely to lead to high-value cases than others.

For example, “car accident lawyer” is a valuable keyword because car accident cases often result in significant settlements or verdicts. On the other hand, “speeding ticket lawyer” is less valuable because those cases tend to be smaller.

Use tools like Google Ads’ Keyword Planner or Ahrefs to get search volume and competition data for different keywords. Look for keywords that have a good balance of high search volume and low competition.

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Utilizing Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords often convert at a higher rate because they’re so specific. For example, “best divorce lawyer in Chicago” is a long-tail keyword. It gets less search volume than a broad term like “divorce lawyer,” but it’s also less competitive and more targeted.

Someone searching for “best divorce lawyer in Chicago” is probably further along in their search for an attorney than someone just searching for “divorce lawyer.”

Negative Keywords are Critical

Negative keywords are terms you don’t want your ads to show up for because they’re not relevant to your practice.

For example, if you’re a criminal defense attorney, you might add “free” as a negative keyword so your ads don’t show up for searches like “free criminal defense lawyer.” Those searchers are unlikely to be serious about hiring an attorney.

By continuously refining your keyword list and incorporating negative keywords, you can ensure your PPC campaigns are driving the right kind of traffic to your law firm’s website.

Crafting Compelling Ad Copy and Landing Pages for Your Law Firm’s PPC Campaign

Your law firm’s ad copy is the first thing potential clients see when your PPC or Google ads show up in their search results. It’s your chance to make a strong first impression and convince them to click through to your website.

But with so much competition out there, how do you make your ad stand out? It all comes down to crafting compelling, attention-grabbing headlines and highlighting your unique value proposition.

Writing Attention-Grabbing Headlines

First, focus on the benefits of working with your law firm. What can you offer that other firms can’t? Maybe it’s your years of experience, your track record of success, or your personalized approach to client service.

Whatever it may be, make sure it’s front and center in your headline.

For example, instead of a generic headline like “Personal Injury Lawyer,” try something more specific and benefit-driven like “Experienced PI Lawyer Fights for Maximum Compensation.”

Highlighting Your Unique Value Proposition

Once you’ve grabbed their attention with your headline, use the rest of your ad copy to highlight what sets your law firm apart. This is your unique value proposition (UVP).

Your UVP could be your specialized expertise in a particular practice area, your convenient location, your flexible payment options, or your commitment to client communication. The key is to focus on what matters most to your target audience.

For instance, if you’re targeting clients who have been in a car accident, your UVP might be your ability to secure maximum compensation for their injuries.

Your ad copy could read something like: “Injured in a car crash? Our aggressive PI lawyers have recovered millions for our clients.”

Optimizing Landing Pages for Conversions

Your ad copy may get potential clients to click on your ad, but it’s your landing page that will convert them into actual leads. That’s why it’s crucial to optimize your landing pages for conversions.

Start by ensuring your landing page delivers on the promise of your ad. If your ad mentions a free consultation, make sure that’s prominently featured on your landing page. If your ad touts your experience, include information about your track record and case results.

Next, make sure your landing page is visually appealing and easy to navigate. Use clear, concise headers and bullet points to break up the text and highlight key information. And don’t forget to include a strong call-to-action (CTA) that tells visitors exactly what you want them to do, whether it’s scheduling a consultation or filling out a contact form.

Ensuring Mobile-Friendliness

Finally, with more and more people using their smartphones to search for legal services, it’s essential that your landing pages are mobile-friendly. This means using a responsive design that automatically adjusts to fit the screen size of any device.

It also means keeping your forms short and simple, with large, easy-to-tap buttons. The easier you make it for mobile users to convert, the higher your conversion rates will be.

By crafting compelling copy and optimizing your landing pages for conversions and mobile-friendliness, you can maximize the effectiveness of your law firm’s PPC campaigns and turn more clicks into clients.

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Targeting the Right Audience for Your Law Firm’s PPC Campaign

You could have the most compelling copy and the most optimized landing page, but if you’re not targeting the right audience, your PPC campaign will fall flat. That’s why it’s so important to zero in on your ideal client and use every targeting tool at your disposal to reach them.

Leveraging Demographic Targeting

One of the most powerful targeting tools available is demographic targeting. This allows you to show your ads to people based on factors like age, gender, income level, and more.

For example, if you’re a family law attorney, you may want to target your ads to people in a certain age range who are likely to be going through a divorce or child custody battle. Or if you’re an estate planning lawyer, you might target older individuals with a higher net worth.

By leveraging demographic targeting, you can ensure your ads are being seen by the people who are most likely to need your services.

Utilizing Geographic Targeting

Geographic targeting allows you to show your ads only to people in a specific location, such as your city, state, or even a certain radius around your law office. By targeting your ads to people who are physically close to your office, you can increase the likelihood that they’ll choose your firm over a competitor.

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Targeting Based on Search Behavior

By targeting keywords that are closely related to your practice areas and the services you offer, you can attract potential clients who are actively searching for the exact type of legal help you provide.

For example, if you’re a personal injury lawyer who specializes in car accident cases, you’d want to target keywords like “car accident lawyer,” “auto accident attorney,” and “injured in a car crash.”

Remarketing to Previous Website Visitors

Finally, don’t forget about remarketing. This involves showing ads to people who have previously visited your website but didn’t contact your office or schedule a consultation.

Remarketing can be a highly effective way to keep your law firm top-of-mind and encourage potential clients to come back to your site and take the next step. You can even create specific ads that speak directly to their interests based on the pages they visited on your site.

For instance, if someone visited your page on divorce law but didn’t contact you, you could show them an ad that says something like, “Considering divorce? Our experienced attorneys can help protect your rights and assets.”

Be advised that you will need an active audience size of at least 100 users for your ads to show.

By using a combination of demographic, geographic, search engine behavior, and remarketing targeting, you can create PPC marketing for lawyers that reach the right people at the right time with the right message.

Optimizing Your Firm’s PPC Campaign Performance

Launching PPC marketing for lawyers is just the beginning. To truly maximize your ROI and get the most out of your ad spend, you need to continuously monitor and optimize your campaign’s performance.

Tracking Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

The first step in monitoring your PPC advertising for law firms is to identify the key performance indicators (KPIs) that matter most to your law firm. These include metrics like:

  • Click-through rate (CTR)
  • Conversion rate
  • Cost per click (CPC)
  • Cost per qualified lead (CPQL)
  • Cost per acquisition (CPA)
  • Return on ad spend (ROAS)

By tracking these KPIs, you can get a clear picture of how your campaign is performing and identify areas for improvement.

Analyzing Campaign Data

Once you’ve identified your KPIs, it’s time to start analyzing your campaign data. This means looking at metrics like which keywords are driving the most clicks and conversions, which ad copy is performing best, and which landing pages have the highest conversion rates.

Tools like Google Analytics and Google Ads provide a wealth of data that you can use to gain insights into your campaign’s performance. Look for patterns and trends that can help you make informed decisions about where to allocate your budget and how to optimize your ads and landing pages.

A/B Testing Ad Copy and Landing Pages

One of the most effective ways to optimize your PPC campaign is through A/B testing. This involves creating two versions of an ad or landing page and testing them against each other to see which one performs better.

For example, you might create two versions of an ad with different headlines and run them simultaneously to see which one gets more clicks. Or you might test two different landing page designs to see which one has a higher conversion rate.

By continuously testing and refining your ads and landing pages, you can improve your campaign’s performance over time and get more value for your PPC ads.

Adjusting Bids and Budget Allocation

Finally, don’t be afraid to adjust your bids and budget allocation based on your campaign’s performance.

If certain keywords or ad groups are performing well, consider increasing your bids to get more visibility and clicks. On the other hand, if certain keywords or ads aren’t delivering results, it may be time to pause them or reallocate that budget elsewhere.

The key is to be proactive and responsive to your campaign data. By regularly monitoring and optimizing your PPC marketing for lawyers, you can ensure you’re getting the most out of your ad spend and driving real results for your law firm.

Remember, PPC marketing for lawyers is an ongoing process, not a set-it-and-forget-it strategy. But with the right approach and a commitment to continuous improvement, PPC marketing for lawyers can be a powerful tool for growing your law firm and attracting more clients.

Integrating PPC with Your Law Firm’s Overall Marketing Strategy

PPC ads are a powerful tool for law firms looking to attract new clients and grow their practice. But to truly maximize its potential, it’s crucial to integrate your PPC efforts with your overall marketing strategy.

Think of your marketing plan as a puzzle, with PPC ads as one of the key pieces. When all the pieces fit together seamlessly, you create a cohesive and effective strategy that drives real results.

Aligning PPC with SEO Efforts

While PPC and SEO are separate strategies, they work best when they complement each other.

For example, you can use PPC to test different keywords and see which ones generate the most clicks and conversions. Then, you can build site pages targeting the most profitable keywords in an effort to rank organically.

By using similar messaging and targeting across both PPC and SEO, you create a consistent brand experience for potential clients, no matter how they find your law firm online.

Leveraging Social Media Advertising

Using platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn, you can easily narrow down audiences by their likes, lifestyles, and actions making sure your message lands exactly where you want it.

By running social media ads in conjunction with your search engine PPC campaigns, you can expand your reach and engage with potential clients across multiple touchpoints. This multi-channel approach can help build brand awareness, establish trust, and ultimately drive more conversions.

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Incorporating Email Marketing

Email marketing is a cost-effective way to nurture leads and keep your law firm top-of-mind with potential clients. By incorporating email marketing into your PPC strategy, you can continue the conversation with leads who have shown interest in your services.

For instance, if someone clicks on your PPC ad but doesn’t immediately convert, you can use email marketing to follow up with additional information, special offers, or testimonials from satisfied clients. This helps move leads further down the marketing funnel and increases the likelihood of them becoming clients.

Measuring Overall Marketing ROI

Finally, to truly understand the impact of your PPC marketing for lawyers, it’s essential to measure your overall marketing ROI. This means tracking key metrics across all your marketing channels, including PPC, SEO, social media, and email marketing.

Find out which marketing channels are your gold mines for leads and sales by tapping into Google Analytics along with your customer management software. This data can then inform your future marketing decisions and help you optimize your budget for maximum ROI.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Law Firm PPC Advertising

While PPC marketing for lawyers can be a game-changer for law firms looking to attract new clients, it’s not without its challenges. Many law firms make common mistakes that can hinder the success of their PPC campaigns and waste valuable marketing dollars.

To help you avoid these pitfalls, let’s take a closer look at some of the most common mistakes law firms make in their PPC advertising efforts.

Failing to Define Clear Goals

One of the biggest mistakes law firms make when launching PPC marketing for lawyers is failing to define clear goals from the outset. Without a specific objective in mind, it’s impossible to create a targeted strategy or measure the success of your efforts.

Before launching your campaign, take the time to establish clear, measurable goals. These might include generating a certain number of leads per month, achieving a specific cost-per-acquisition (CPA), or increasing website traffic by a certain percentage.

By setting concrete goals, you can create a more focused campaign strategy and easily track your progress along the way.

Neglecting Keyword Research

Another common mistake law firms make is neglecting the importance of thorough keyword research. Choosing the right keywords is essential for reaching your target audience and driving relevant traffic to your website.

Many law firms make the mistake of targeting broad, highly competitive keywords that are difficult to rank for and may not accurately reflect the specific services they offer. Instead, focus on long-tail keywords that are more specific to your practice areas and location.

For example, rather than targeting a broad keyword like “personal injury lawyer,” consider more specific phrases like “car accident lawyer in Houston” or “slip and fall attorney in Los Angeles.” These targeted keywords may have lower search engine volumes, but they’re more likely to attract qualified leads who are actively seeking your services.

Ignoring Ad Relevance

Ad relevance is a crucial factor in the success of any PPC campaign, yet many law firms overlook its importance. When your ads are not relevant to the keywords you’re targeting or the landing pages you’re directing users to, you risk wasting clicks and driving up your costs.

To avoid this mistake, make sure your ad copy accurately reflects the services you offer and the specific needs of your target audience. Craft headlines and blurbs so irresistible they click through out of sheer curiosity about what makes you stand out from the crowd.

Additionally, ensure your landing pages are optimized for the specific keywords and ads you’re running. The messaging and content on these pages should be consistent with your ads and provide users with the information they need to take the next step, whether that’s filling out a contact form or scheduling a consultation.

Overlooking Landing Page Optimization

Finally, many law firms make the mistake of overlooking the importance of landing page optimization in their PPC campaigns. Your landing pages are where the magic happens – it’s where users convert from interested prospects into actual leads and clients.

To optimize your landing pages for conversions, make sure they have a clear, compelling headline that reflects the messaging in your ads. Use persuasive copy that highlights the benefits of your services and includes strong calls-to-action (CTAs) that encourage users to take the next step.

Additionally, make sure your landing pages are mobile-friendly and load quickly. With more and more users accessing the internet on their smartphones and tablets, a mobile-optimized landing page is essential for capturing leads and driving conversions. You can use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights or GTMetrix to identify issues negatively impacting your load time.

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Hiring a PPC Agency vs. Managing Campaigns In-House for Your Law Firm

One of the biggest decisions you’ll face with PPC and other marketing channels is whether to manage the campaign in-house or hire a PPC agency to handle it for you.

Both options bring pros and cons, and the right choice for your firm will depend on a variety of factors, including your budget, expertise, and resources.

Benefits of Working with a PPC Agency

One of the biggest benefits of working with a PPC agency is that you gain access to a team of experienced professionals who specialize in creating and managing successful PPC campaigns. The pros really know their stuff, crafting plans that hit the mark, tweaking ads to get you the most bang for your buck, and always keeping an eye on what’s working in PPC advertising.

Another advantage of working with an agency is that it frees up your time and resources to focus on what you do best – practicing law and serving your clients. By outsourcing PPC marketing for lawyers to a trusted partner, you can avoid the learning curve and time commitment required to manage campaigns in-house.

Additionally, many PPC agencies pay for advanced tools and technologies that can help optimize your campaigns and drive better results. These tools not only give your ads a leg up but also ensure you’re squeezing every penny for value out of your budget.

Considerations for In-House PPC Management

While there are certainly benefits to working with a PPC agency, there are also some compelling reasons to consider managing your campaigns in-house. One of the biggest advantages of in-house management is that you have complete control over your campaigns and can make changes and adjustments on the fly.

Additionally, managing PPC in-house can be more cost-effective than hiring an agency, especially if you already have team members with some digital marketing experience. By keeping your PPC efforts in-house, you can avoid the added costs of agency fees and commissions.

But remember, to really nail those PPC campaigns, you’re signing up for a good chunk of time and the drive to keep on top of trends and sharpen your skills. If you don’t have the bandwidth or expertise to effectively manage your campaigns in-house, it may be worth considering an agency partnership.

Evaluating Your Law Firm’s Resources and Expertise

Ultimately, the decision to hire a PPC agency or manage your campaigns in-house will come down to an honest evaluation of your law firm’s resources and expertise. If you have team members with experience in digital marketing and a willingness to learn the ins and outs of PPC advertising, managing campaigns in-house may be a viable option.

On the other hand, if you don’t have the time, resources, or expertise to effectively manage your PPC campaigns, working with an agency may be the best choice for your firm. By partnering with a reputable PPC agency that specializes in legal marketing, you can benefit from their knowledge and experience while freeing up your time to focus on serving your clients and growing your practice.


PPC marketing for lawyers can be profitable when you make data-driven decisions to optimize your campaigns over time. The time and attention needed to run successful PPC campaigns usually makes it a good idea to hire an agency to assist, but there is definitely a cost savings if you find a way to run your campaigns in-house.

But don’t just take my word for it – try it out for yourself. Start small, track your results, and watch as your practice grows.

And if you don’t get the results you’re looking for, book a call with me to see how we can help.