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Guide to Internet Marketing for Small Law Firms (2024)

Discover proven internet marketing strategies tailored for small law firms. Attract more clients, increase visibility, and grow your practice with our expert tips.
April 29, 2024

Written by Benji Albrecht

Benji Albrecht spent the last 4 years as a Firm Administrator and Marketing Director helping a boutique tax and estate planning firm triple its revenue and increase client satisfaction. He now works as a consultant helping law firms build a marketing engine to generate a continuous stream of new clients. He is on a mission to help 10 law firms double their revenue. In his free time, Benji is an avid cyclist and Ironman triathlete.

Legal marketing is highly competitive, and traditional marketing methods just don’t cut it anymore. That’s where internet marketing comes in.

Diving headfirst into online marketing often feels like being tossed into deep water without a life jacket. I’ve been there too. But trust me, with the right approach and a bit of persistence, you can build an effective online presence and attract the clients you deserve. Let’s jump in and see how a clear digital marketing strategy could be the missing ingredient to your law firm’s growth.

Choose One Practice Area to Focus Your Internet Marketing Efforts

The most successful small law firms focus their efforts on one specific practice area.

It allows you to create targeted content that speaks directly to your ideal client. And when you’re seen as the go-to expert in your niche, you’ll attract more of the right cases.

Benefits of Focusing on One Practice Area

When you focus on one practice area, you can create a marketing strategy that’s tailored to your ideal client’s specific needs and pain points. This means your website, blog posts, social media, and ads will all be speaking directly to them.

And when you’re seen as the authority in your niche, you’ll naturally attract more of the right leads. Clients will seek you out because they know you have the expertise to help them with their specific legal issue. Once you dominate one practice area, you can repeat the process for other practice areas. 

Still not convinced? Check out legal marketing expert Cooper Saunders’ book How to Grow your Law Firm for additional rationale behind niching down and dominating one practice area before moving on to others. You’ll save yourself a lot of time and sanity by using a focused approach. 

How to Identify Your Ideal Client Profile

Start by looking at your current client base. Who are your best clients? The ones that are a joy to work with and generate the most revenue for your firm?

Create a client avatar based on their demographics, pain points, and goals. Dig deeper by conducting market research. 

Look at online forums, social media, and competitor websites to see what questions your ideal clients are asking and what content resonates with them. Think about the questions your ideal clients ask you in consultations and prospects ask when you speak to them on the phone.

Tailoring Your Marketing Message to Your Chosen Practice Area

Once you know who your ideal client is and what practice area you’re focusing on, it’s time to tailor your marketing message. Every piece of content you create, from website copy to blog posts, should speak directly to your target audience and address their specific needs. 

The easiest way to approach your marketing message is to learn and apply the StoryBrand messaging framework. Developed by New York Times best-selling author, Donald Miller, the StoryBrand framework uses the same principles used in Hollywood storytelling to help you create a marketing message that will resonate with your ideal clientele. 

internet marketing for small law firmsThe StoryBrand framework helps you distill your marketing message into 7 main plot points to use throughout your marketing materials.

Optimize Your Law Firm’s Website for Search Engines

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving your website’s visibility and ranking in search results.

Your law firm’s website is often the first impression potential clients have of your firm. While making it look professional is one of the most important factors, it must also be optimized for search engines like Google.

Essential Elements of a Well-Designed Law Firm Website Design

A well-designed law firm website should be visually appealing, easy to navigate, and mobile-friendly. Your website should paint a clear picture of what you do, and how you can make your clients’ life better.

Your website should include:

  • A clear and concise headline that communicates your unique value proposition.
  • Compelling copy that speaks directly to your target audience.
  • Calls-to-action (CTAs) that encourage visitors to contact your firm.
  • Testimonials and case studies that showcase your expertise and results.
  • An easy-to-find contact page with your phone number, email, and office address.

On-Page SEO Techniques for Law Firms

On-page SEO refers to the optimization of individual web pages to rank higher in search results. This includes optimizing your page titles, headings, content, and meta descriptions to include relevant keywords.

For example, an estate planning law firm should have a page targeting the keyword: [your city] estate planning attorney. The title tag for this page should include the keyword, headings should include related keywords, and the body content should support the headings. Further, the meta description for the page should encourage users to click through to your page from Google and include alternate versions of the keyword. In this example, an alternate version of the target keyword might be “estate planning attorney in [city]. 

internet marketing for small law firmsThe title tag is the large blue text you see in the search results. The meta description is the text below it.

When optimizing your website for search engines, focus on creating high-quality, informative content that addresses your target audience’s needs and questions. Use header tags (H1, H2, H3) to structure your content and make it easy to read. Break up the text with images that support the nearby text.

Improving User Experience and Navigation

In addition to on-page SEO, it’s important to focus on improving the user experience and navigation of your law firm website. Keep things simple on your site with clear, easily navigable menus and a logical structure that feels natural.

Use internal links to link to relevant pages within the body text. This helps Google and other search engines understand the relationship between pages within your website.

Lastly, make sure your site loads quickly and is mobile-friendly, as this can impact your search rankings and user experience.

Building your Domain Authority

Domain authority is a score that predicts how likely a website is to rank in search engine result pages (SERPS). Simply put, the higher your domain authority, the higher your site content will rank in the SERPS.

Building your domain authority is the most overlooked aspect of SEO. Many marketing agencies fail to consider this when quoting website projects, and bring up link-building only after you’ve signed and paid for the initial website build. Link building involves getting mentioned on authoritative websites, and building hyperlinks from those websites back to your website. Guest-posting on legal blogs, joining chambers of commerce, and appearing on podcasts are all great ways to increase your domain authority.

SEO requires focused action on resolving technical issues, creating high-quality content, and building links. Consider hiring a digital marketing agency with expertise serving law firms to assist.  

Leverage Google Local Services Ads for Targeted Exposure

Google Local Services Ads are a powerful way to get your law firm in front of potential clients who are actively searching for legal services in your area. 

These ads appear at the top of Google search results and feature your firm’s name, contact information, and client reviews:

internet marketing for small law firmsLocal services ads served when searching “Tax Attorney Seattle”

To get started with Local Services Ads, you’ll need to create a profile and provide your bar number. Once approved, you can set your budget, choose your target locations, and select the types of cases you want to advertise for. 

Before running local services ads, you need a verified Google Business Profile with 5 or more reviews. 

Choosing the Right Service Types

When setting up your Local Services Ads, it’s important to choose the right service types to advertise for. Focus on the practice areas that align with your firm’s expertise and target audience. Choose one or two service types you are specially suited to help with.

For example, if you’re a personal injury law firm, you may want to advertise for car accident, slip and fall, and medical malpractice cases. When you spend money on advertising, zeroing in on certain services protects your budget and can be a magnet for attracting your dream clients.

Optimizing Your Profile for Maximum Visibility

To optimize your Google Local Services profile for maximum visibility, make sure to complete all sections of your profile.

Nudge your happy customers to drop a review on your profile; it’s a solid move that could boost how often you pop up in search results. Consider setting a competitive budget to ensure that your ads are being shown to potential clients in your target locations.

Content Marketing to Attract Potential Clients and Influence the Decision-Making Process

Creating engaging and informative content that addresses your target audience’s needs and questions can build trust and credibility with potential clients.

But what types of content should you create?

Types of Content That Resonate with Legal Clients

When creating content for your law firm’s website, it’s important to focus on topics that resonate with your target audience:

  • Blog posts that answer common legal questions and provide helpful tips.
  • Case studies that showcase your firm’s success stories and results.
  • Infographics that break down complex legal concepts into easy-to-understand visuals.
  • Videos that introduce your attorneys and provide legal insights.
  • Whitepapers and eBooks that dive deep into specific legal topics.

Developing a Content Calendar

Developing a content calendar will help you plan out your content topics, assign tasks to team members, and stay on track with your publishing schedule.

When developing your content calendar, consider your target audience’s needs and interests, as well as any upcoming events or legal developments that may be relevant to your practice area. Aim to publish new content on a regular basis, whether that’s daily, weekly or monthly. 

Ultimately, you need to choose a posting cadence you can commit to given the time and financial constraints of your business.

Promoting Your Content Across Channels

Creating great content is only half the battle. To ensure that your content reaches the right people, you need to promote it across multiple channels. This may include:

  • Sharing your blog posts and articles on social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.
  • Sending email newsletters to your subscribers with links to your latest content.
  • Reaching out to other websites and blogs in your industry to secure guest posting opportunities.
  • Leveraging paid advertising on social media and search engines to target specific audiences.

By promoting your content across multiple channels, you can expand your reach and attract more potential clients to your law firm’s website. Just be sure to track your results and adjust your strategy as needed to optimize your content marketing efforts.



 Zero in on one practice area to supercharge your law firm’s internet marketing. This sharp focus lets you craft content that hits home with your ideal clients, positioning you as the go-to expert and magnetically pulling in quality leads.

Create a standout website optimized for Google, making sure it’s easy on the eyes, simple to navigate, and mobile-friendly. Don’t forget to pepper in those keywords.

Dive into Google Local Services Ads for targeted visibility right where your future clients are looking. Choose service types wisely to ensure ads reach those who need you most.

Engage potential clients with killer content across blogs, case studies, infographics, videos, and more. A well-thought-out content calendar keeps things consistent while promoting across various channels boosts your reach big time.

Establish a Strong Social Media Presence for Your Law Firm

In today’s digital era, having a strong social media presence is crucial for law firms looking to expand their reach and attract potential clients. Social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter provide excellent opportunities to showcase your expertise, engage with your target audience, and establish your firm as a trusted resource in your practice area. 

Choosing the Right Social Media Platforms for Your Firm

LinkedIn is essential for any law practice. It’s a professional network that allows you to connect with other attorneys, showcase your expertise through thought-leadership content, and even generate leads. A recent study found that 45% of law firms have generated clients through LinkedIn. 

Seriously consider bringing your law practice into the world of Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter if reaching out to consumers is part of your plan. These platforms allow you to share a mix of educational content, firm updates, and even a bit of personality to humanize your brand.

Creating a Social Media Content Strategy

Once you’ve chosen your platforms, it’s time to develop a content strategy. This should include a mix of informative, engaging, and promotional content that showcases your firm’s expertise and values. 

When creating content, always keep your target audience in mind. What questions do they have? And just what are these legal troubles they find themselves tangled in? How can you provide value and establish your firm as a trusted resource? 

Use a mix of formats, such as articles, infographics, videos, and live Q&A sessions to keep your content fresh and engaging.

Engaging with Your Audience and Building Relationships

Social media is a two-way street, and it’s not enough to simply post content and hope for the best. To truly leverage the power of social media marketing for your law firm, you need to actively engage with your audience and build relationships. Jumping into conversations, replying quickly, and teaming up with fellow pros in your circle really keeps things lively. 

By consistently providing value and establishing your firm as a trusted resource, you’ll stay top-of-mind when potential clients are in need of legal services.

Implement Email Marketing to Nurture Leads and Stay Top-of-Mind

Building an email list of engaged subscribers and delivering valuable content directly to their inboxes can establish your firm as a trusted resource.

Building Your Email Subscriber List

Think of it as trading – your email can get you exclusive access to our best eBooks, insightful whitepapers or exciting newsletters. You can also leverage social media and paid advertising to promote your lead magnet and drive sign-ups. 

Remember, the key is to provide value upfront and make it clear what subscribers can expect from your emails. This sets the stage for a positive relationship and increases the likelihood of engagement down the line.

Crafting Compelling Email Campaigns

With a solid list of subscribers in hand, the next step is piecing together emails that are as interesting as they are motivating. This starts with segmenting your list based on factors like practice area interest, stage in the client journey, or engagement level. By tailoring your content and messaging to specific segments, you can increase the relevance and impact of your emails. 

When designing your emails, keep them visually appealing, mobile-friendly, and easy to read. Use a clear, compelling subject line to increase open rates, and include a strong call-to-action to encourage clicks and conversions.

Automating Your Email Marketing for Efficiency

Automation allows you to deliver the right content to the right people at the right time, without having to manually send each email. For example, you can set up a welcome series for new subscribers that introduces them to your firm and highlights key resources. 

Automating these key touchpoints can save you time while still delivering a personalized, valuable experience to each subscriber. With the right email marketing software, you can easily track key metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversions to continually optimize your efforts.

Measure and Analyze Your Internet Marketing Results

Simply implementing strategies without measuring their effectiveness is like shooting in the dark. Making smart moves means tracking what happens after you put in the effort and analyzing those outcomes.

Setting Up Google Analytics for Your Law Firm Website

With Google Analytics, you’ve got a free and robust program to monitor all the crucial stats of your website’s health. By installing the Google Analytics tracking code on your site, you can gain insights into everything from traffic sources and user behavior to conversions and revenue. 

To get started, create a Google Analytics account and follow the prompts to set up a property for your website. Some key metrics to track include:

  • Website traffic (overall and by source).
  • Bounce rate.
  • Average time on page.
  • Key event completions (form submissions, phone calls, booked consultations in your scheduling software such as Acuity or Calendly.)

Tracking Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

In addition to the metrics available in Google Analytics, it’s important to track key performance indicators (KPIs) that are specific to your law firm’s goals. These include:

  • Leads generated.
  • Consultations booked.
  • New clients acquired.
  • Revenue generated.

By tying these KPIs back to specific marketing channels and campaigns, you can gain a clear picture of which efforts are driving the most value for your firm. This allows you to allocate your budget and resources more effectively and double down on what’s working. 

To track these KPIs, you’ll likely need to use a combination of tools, such as your website’s form submissions, call tracking software, and your client relationship management (CRM) system. By regularly pulling data from these sources into a central dashboard, you can easily monitor your progress and make informed decisions. 

Here’s the tech stack we use for marketing analytics at BPAgency:

Making Data-Driven Decisions to Refine Your Strategy

The true value of tracking and analyzing your internet marketing results lies in the ability to make data-driven decisions and continually refine your strategy. By regularly reviewing your metrics and KPIs, you can identify trends, gaps, and opportunities for improvement. 

For example, if you notice that a particular blog post is driving a high volume of organic traffic and leads, you might decide to create more content around that topic or promote it more heavily on social media. On the other hand, if you see that your PPC campaigns are generating a lot of clicks but few conversions, you might need to adjust your targeting, messaging, or landing pages. 

The key is to approach your online marketing with a growth mindset, constantly looking for ways to optimize and improve.



Boost your law firm’s online presence by picking the right social media platforms, creating engaging content, and interacting with your audience. Don’t forget email marketing to keep leads warm and use analytics to track what works.

Frequently Asked Questions re:

Internet Marketing for Small Law Firms 

How do I market my law firm on the Internet?

Start with an SEO-optimized website using the StoryBrand messaging framework. Add engaging content regularly. Build links to your site content to rank higher. 

Build awareness on social media and run targeted ads using Google Ads and Google Local Services Ads. Layer on additional tactics once you find success. 

How much should a small law firm spend on marketing?

A small law firm should allocate around 5-15% of their revenue to marketing, depending on the firm’s growth objectives. You can find more information on how to establish an annual marketing budget here

Do law firms need digital marketing?

Absolutely. Digital marketing helps firms reach more people, build trust online, and stay competitive in today’s tech-driven world. 


Internet marketing for small law firms is no longer optional. Zero in on one practice area to stand out to prospective clients. Make sure your website design is welcoming, take advantage of Google’s ads made for local services like yours, engage followers with content across all platforms including email – then watch as interest grows. Ensure that you track everything to see what’s working best.

Remember, the key is to stay consistent and adapt based on changes from Google and other platforms. Put these marketing strategies into action so you can build a bigger client base and grow your law firm.

Looking for help with your small law firm’s digital marketing efforts? Book a Discovery call to talk through the current issues stunting your firm’s growth and see if we’re a good fit to work together.